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batch zero silercyi




Waste conscious mushroom series created using leftover material from a jewellers workshop. Inspired by regenerative practices and the prohibited healing powers of earth. 

Salem Photoshop Psilvercybin.png
Psilvercybin Batch Zero.png
Psilvercybin Image 1.png
Indira Psilvercybin Photoshop.png
Pandora Psilvercybin Photoshop.png

batch zero PSILVERCYBIN are the original eighteen shrooms conceived through experimentation.

"Like every other fine metalworker I know, I end my day at the bench with a big sweep, gathering silver dust and nuggets. Everything is kept in a big jar to be melted down on a rainy day. This year I set myself the challenge. What could I create with my wonky bits of silver. I foraged through my pile of treasure to discover that I had accumulated a trove of little silver caps. Paired with my wonky wire off-cuts I was able to create a series of tiny, marvellous mushrooms. Under-appreciated and overlooked, little scraps of silver lay dormant in the far corners of my workshop. A family of magical mushrooms began growing in the shadows long before I knew they were there"

- Ambrin

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